Accounting, tax consulting, auditing and consulting

We are a well established, growing trust company in Zurich. The support and advice of national and international clients in the areas of accounting, tax consulting, auditing and consulting is our core task.
We are a well established, growing trust company in Zurich. The support and advice of national and international clients in the areas of accounting, tax consulting, auditing and consulting is our core task.

Accounting and final consultation for your company.

Tax Advice

The tax laws are subject to constant change. We stay up-to-date for you and support you with our knowledge.


As voluntary or statutory auditors, we ensure correct and legally compliant reporting.


We accompany you and your company in all phases of the business cycle.


We are happy to support you by taking over company tasks. Use our Know-How.

Temporary Employees

Skilled workers temporarily or permanently. We will provide you with step-by-step support at short notice.

News and Insights


Änderung der MWST-Methode zum 1. Januar 2025

Author:Lenz Treuhand AG

Falls Sie einen Wechsel der MWST-Methode planen, müssen Sie diesen bis spätestens 28. Februar 2025 bei der Eidgenössischen Steuerverwaltung (ESTV) melden. Bei verspäteter Meldung kann der Wechsel erst...


Neuerungen Sozialversicherungen per 01.01.2025

Author:Lenz Treuhand AG

Hier sind die aktualisierten Kennzahlen für AHV, IV, EO, ALV, BVG und UVG, die ab dem 01.01.2025 in Kraft treten. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die Kennzahlen und Schwellenwerte rechtzeitig in Ih...


Anpassung der Saldosteuersätze ab dem 1. Januar 2025

Author:Lenz Treuhand AG

Anpassung der Saldosteuersätze ab dem 1. Januar 2025 Zum Jahreswechsel 2025 tritt eine Anpassung der Saldosteuersätze für bestimmte Branchen in Kraft Die folgende Übersicht zeigt einige Beispiele der ...

Lenz Team

Blerona Shabani (in training) finance and accounting with swiss examiantion
Andrea Mohammed
Alain Bienz – Partner Certified Fiduciary, Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education
Dominik Lenz – Partner Certified Fiduciary, Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education
Fabienne Piera
Irina König
Isabelle Suter – Partner Certified fiduciary expert
Jeannine Rupp (in training) Fiduciary clerk
Joelle Sommer Fiduciary clerk
Loela Honegger Fiduciary with Swiss examination
Marco Frauenknecht – Partner Certified Fiduciary, Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education
Micha Hummel (in training) Fiduciary with Swiss examination
Monika Vuksic
Nikolina Rikic
Pascal Romy (in training) Fiduciary with Swiss examination
Peter Lenz – Partner Grad. Specialist in Accounting and Controlling, Company Founder (1978)
Rahel Profos Certified Hôtelière-Restauratrice HF/SHL